Volunteers are always welcome in HARC charity shops.
Tasks for volunteers include:-
- Customer service
- Sales
- Window and shop display
- Sorting and pricing stock
- Helping with deliveries & collections.
From time to time we also have opportunities on reception at the Advice and Community Hub.
How to Apply
To volunteer in our shops please call or drop in to either branch.
To volunteer in our office please email enquiries@harcuk.com or call 01424 428375
Client Champion
As part of our ongoing process of service evaluation, and with the aim of ensuring we are fully representative of the communities we serve, HARC appointed a Client Champion to our Board of Trustees in 2021.
Our Client Champion is unbiased when providing a voice for our service users. She acts as liaison between clients and the Board and treats any information shared with empathy and discretion.
To contact our Client Champion email enquiries@harcuk.com or call 01424 428375.
See the results of our 2023 Independent Client Survey here.